Micro & Nano Society

10th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Micro-Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies

About the Scientific Society Micro&Nano

The Scientific Society Micro&Nano has been founded in 2004 as a non-profit organization national organization with the overall objective to promote the field of Micro, Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology in Greece (Material science, technology-processing, (bio) sensors-electronic-photonic devices, circuits, micro-nano-bio-systems). More specifically, the scope is:

  • To gather together scientists from different disciplines and to promote their collaboration and concerted actions for the advancement of interdisciplinary research, education and training, as well as dissemination of knowledge in the above field.
  • To promote collaboration between Academia and Industry in Micro, Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology.
  • To create linkages between Greek Scientists and European or International organizations involved in this field.

Objectives of the Society

  • Advance Micro and Nanotechnologies (Material science, technology-processing, (bio) sensors-electronic-photonic devices, circuits, micro-nano-bio-systems).
  • Enhance research and applications in the above fields.
  • Contact, interact and organise associated stakeholders to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of micro and nanotechnologies.
  • Enhance and establish collaboration between research institutes, Universities and industry.
  • Represent Greece in international organisations, conferences, meetings, summits and panels that aim at related fields.
  • Undertake studies related to the micro and nanotecnhology.
  • Organize national and international events related to micro and nanotechnology.
  • Establish and foster collaboration and information exchange between its members and related entities in Greece and worldwide.
  • Promote dissemination related to the above fields.
  • Secure funding opportunities and capitalizing on research results of its members.
  • Ensuring knowledge dissemination to broader public and society exposure in the described research areas.
  • Supporting training and education.


The members of the Society are of two types:

a) Legal institutions (academic research Institutes, legally established laboratories or entities for the promotion of research).

b) Independent scientists with MSc or PhD in the field of Micro&Nano.


More information on the Society and membership possibilities can be found at www.micro-nano.gr