We welcome you to the 10th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Micro-Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies.
This annual conference is organized by the Micro&Nano Scientific Society of Greece and its aims is to connect people from academia, research and industry, so as to stimulate discussions on the latest scientific achievements and to further promote micro- and nanotechnologies. The conference is held every time in a different city all around Greece with the most recent one realized in Xanthi (2022).
This year’s Conference is returning to Athens and is co-organized with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Because it is the 10th Anniversary of the Conference, a Special Event is scheduled as an Opening Ceremony on the first day (November 2nd, 2023) to commemorate and celebrate 40 years of Microelectronics in Greece. The event will include plenary talks delivered by Greek pioneers of the field who will present the history and evolution of Microelectronics in the country. Moreover, prominent Greek scientists who have dedicated their life’s work to the development of Microelectronics will be honored for their contributions.
The technical part of the Conference will span over two days including plenary and invited talks, oral and poster presentations as well as special awards for the best presentations.
The Τopics of the conference include. Materials for Devices, Micro and Nano – Fabrication Processes and Development, Sensors and Actuators, Electronic, Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices and Micro and Nano-technologies for Energy.
The conference committee strongly encourages the submission of abstracts by graduate students and early-career researchers and also welcomes undergraduate students to attend at discount registration rates.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of Microelectronic Engineering, after peer review.